entity meinschaltnetz is port ( y: out bit; x3, x2, x1, x0: in bit ); end; architecture verhaltenknf of meinschaltnetz is begin y <= (x3 or x2 or x1) and (x3 or x2 or not x0) and (x3 or x1 or not x0) and (x2 or x1 or not x0) and (x3 or not x2 or not x1 or x0) and (not x3 or x2 or not x1 or x0); end; architecture verhaltendnf of meinschaltnetz is begin y <= (not x3 and not x2 and not x1) or (not x3 and not x2 and x0) or (not x3 and not x1 and x0) or (not x2 and not x1 and x0) or (not x3 and x2 and x1 and not x0) or (x3 and not x2 and x1 and not x0); end;