entity meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz is port ( a, b, x: in bit; y0, y1, y2: out bit ); end; entity meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz is port ( a, b: inout bit; x: in bit ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028ausgangschaltnetz is begin y0 <= (not b and x) or (b and a); y1 <= (b and not a and not x); y2 <= (b and a and x); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028uebergangsschaltnetz is begin b <= (b and not a) or (b and x); a <= (not b and x) or (not a and not x) or (b and a and x); end; entity meinautomat0028rslatch is port ( q1, q2: inout bit; r, s: in bit ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028rslatch is begin q1 <= ((not r) nor q2); q2 <= ((not s) nor q1); end; entity meinautomat0028rslatchtaktgesteuert is port ( q1, q2: inout bit; r, s, c: in bit ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028rslatchtaktgesteuert is component meinautomat0028rslatch port ( q1, q2: inout bit; r, s: in bit ); end component; signal r1, s1: bit; begin instanzrslatch: meinautomat0028rslatch PORT MAP (r=>r1, s=>s1, q1=>q1, q2=>q2); r1 <= c and r; s1 <= c and s; end; entity meinautomat0028dlatch is port ( q1, q2: inout bit; d, c: in bit ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028dlatch is component meinautomat0028rslatchtaktgesteuert port ( q1, q2: inout bit; r, s, c: in bit ); end component; signal r1, s1: bit; begin instanzrslatchtaktgesteuert: meinautomat0028rslatchtaktgesteuert PORT MAP (r=>r1, s=>s1, q1=>q1, q2=>q2, c=>c); r1 <= d; s1 <= not d; end; entity meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop is port ( q1, q2: inout bit; d, c: in bit ); end; architecture verhalten of meinautomat0028dmasterslaveflipflop is component meinautomat0028dlatch is port ( q1, q2: inout bit; d, c: in bit ); end component; signal c1, c2: bit; signal d1: bit; begin master: meinautomat0028dlatch PORT MAP (q1=>d1, q2=>q2, d=>d, c=>c1); slave: meinautomat0028dlatch PORT MAP (q1=>q1, q2=>q2, d=>d1, c=>c2); c1 <= c; c2 <= not c; end;