Da ist irgendwo ein fluechtigkeitsfehler drin aber ich muss jetzt aufhoeren. Mache Pause.
1.) Rechne die Zahl in binaer Darstellung in eine Dezimale Darstellung um 0010011010110110b 9910d 2.) Rechne die Zahl in dezimal darstellung in eine Binaerdarstellung um 54282 1101010000001010 3.) Addiere die drei Zahlen schriftlich 7644 + 4647 + 6536 ----------------- 18827 4.) Subtrahiere die letzten drei Zahlen schriftlich von der ersten schriftlich 23718 - 14922 - 11076 - 6409 ----------------- -8689 5.) Rechne die Zahl ins zweier komplement um, mit 8 Bit - und subtrahiere diese zahl von der ersten und rechne das Ergebnis nach dezimal -75 -47 = -122 10110101 11010001 = 10000110 6.) Multipliziere die zwei Zahlen schriftlich 651016794*60756 = 822507400 7.) Dividiere die zwei Zahlen schriftlich 1508975826/55078 = 27397 8.) Errechne x Logarithmisch mit dem Taschenrechner 62728\^x = 1847342551 Rechne die Zahl in IEEE-754 um 25277.992188 Irgendein Fehler drin geht gerade nicht. \begin{verbatim} 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 10 1 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 1 1 0 12 1 1 0 0 1 13 1 1 0 1 0 14 1 1 1 0 1 15 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 12 1 1 0 0 1 14 1 1 1 0 1 Gruppe 0: 0 0 0 0 0 1 Gruppe 1: 2 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 Gruppe 2: 6 0 1 1 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 12 1 1 0 0 1 Gruppe 3: 7 0 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 0 1 0:2 0 0 - 0 0:4 0 - 0 0 0:8 - 0 0 0 2:6 0 - 1 0 4:6 0 1 - 0 4:12 - 1 0 0 8:9 1 0 0 - 8:12 1 - 0 0 6:7 0 1 1 - 6:14 - 1 1 0 12:14 1 1 - 0 8:9 1 0 0 - 6:7 0 1 1 - 0:2 0 0 - 0 4:6 0 1 - 0 12:14 1 1 - 0 0:4 0 - 0 0 2:6 0 - 1 0 8:12 1 - 0 0 0:8 - 0 0 0 4:12 - 1 0 0 6:14 - 1 1 0 8:9 1 0 0 - 6:7 0 1 1 - 0:2 0 0 - 0 4:6 0 1 - 0 12:14 1 1 - 0 0:2:4:6 0 - - 0 4:6:12:14 - 1 - 0 0:4 0 - 0 0 2:6 0 - 1 0 8:12 1 - 0 0 0:4:2:6 0 - - 0 0:4:8:12 - - 0 0 0:8 - 0 0 0 4:12 - 1 0 0 6:14 - 1 1 0 0:8:4:12 - - 0 0 4:12:6:14 - 1 - 0 8:9 1 0 0 - 6:7 0 1 1 - 0:2:4:6 0 - - 0 4:6:12:14 - 1 - 0 0:4:2:6 0 - - 0 0:4:8:12 - - 0 0 0:8:4:12 - - 0 0 4:12:6:14 - 1 - 0 8:9 1 0 0 - 6:7 0 1 1 - 0:2:4:6 0 - - 0 0:4:8:12 - - 0 0 4:12:6:14 - 1 - 0 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 12 14 8:9 * * 6:7 * * 0:2:4:6 * * * * 0:4:8:12 * * * * 4:12:6:14 * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 1 6 0 1 1 0 1 7 0 1 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 0 1 9 1 0 0 1 1 12 1 1 0 0 1 14 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 12 14 8:9 * * p 6:7 * * p 0:2:4:6 * * * * p 0:4:8:12 * * * * 4:12:6:14 * * * * p 0 2 4 6 7 8 9 12 14 8:9 * * p 6:7 * * p 0:2:4:6 * * * * p 4:12:6:14 * * * * p 8:9 1 0 0 - 6:7 0 1 1 - 0:2:4:6 0 - - 0 4:12:6:14 - 1 - 0 y <= (x3 and not x2 and not x1) or (not x3 and x2 and x1) or (not x3 and not x0) or (x2 and not x0); library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity quine20240612 is port ( x3, x2, x1, x0: in std_logic; y: out std_logic ); end; architecture behaviour of quine20240612 is begin y <= (x3 and not x2 and not x1) or (not x3 and x2 and x1) or (not x3 and not x0) or (x2 and not x0); end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity quine20240612testbench is port ( y: out std_logic ); end; architecture behaviour of quine20240612testbench is component quine20240612 port ( x3, x2, x1, x0: in std_logic; y: out std_logic ); end component; signal x3, x2, x1, x0: std_logic; begin q: quine20240612 PORT MAP (x3=>x3, x2=>x2, x1=>x1, x0=>x0, y=>y);
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity quine20240612 is port ( x3, x2, x1, x0: in std_logic; y: out std_logic ); end; architecture behaviour of quine20240612 is begin y <= (x3 and not x2 and not x1) or (not x3 and x2 and x1) or (not x3 and not x0) or (x2 and not x0); end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity quine20240612testbench is port ( y: out std_logic ); end; architecture behaviour of quine20240612testbench is component quine20240612 port ( x3, x2, x1, x0: in std_logic; y: out std_logic ); end component; signal x3, x2, x1, x0: std_logic; begin q: quine20240612 PORT MAP (x3=>x3, x2=>x2, x1=>x1, x0=>x0, y=>y); x0 <= '0' after 0 ns, '1' after 10 ns, '0' after 20 ns, '1' after 30 ns, '0' after 40 ns, '1' after 50 ns, '0' after 60 ns, '1' after 70 ns, '0' after 80 ns, '1' after 90 ns, '0' after 100 ns, '1' after 110 ns, '0' after 120 ns, '1' after 130 ns, '0' after 140 ns, '1' after 150 ns; x1 <= '0' after 0 ns, '0' after 10 ns, '1' after 20 ns, '1' after 30 ns, '0' after 40 ns, '0' after 50 ns, '1' after 60 ns, '1' after 70 ns, '0' after 80 ns, '0' after 90 ns, '1' after 100 ns, '1' after 110 ns, '0' after 120 ns, '0' after 130 ns, '1' after 140 ns, '1' after 150 ns; x2 <= '0' after 0 ns, '0' after 10 ns, '0' after 20 ns, '0' after 30 ns, '1' after 40 ns, '1' after 50 ns, '1' after 60 ns, '1' after 70 ns, '0' after 80 ns, '0' after 90 ns, '0' after 100 ns, '0' after 110 ns, '1' after 120 ns, '1' after 130 ns, '1' after 140 ns, '1' after 150 ns; x3 <= '0' after 0 ns, '0' after 10 ns, '0' after 20 ns, '0' after 30 ns, '0' after 40 ns, '0' after 50 ns, '0' after 60 ns, '0' after 70 ns, '1' after 80 ns, '1' after 90 ns, '1' after 100 ns, '1' after 110 ns, '1' after 120 ns, '1' after 130 ns, '1' after 140 ns, '1' after 150 ns; end;
dave@pocket:~\$ python bash: python: Kommando nicht gefunden. dave@pocket:~\$ python3 Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> print("Hallo Welt") Hallo Welt >>> quit Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit >>> quit() dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonhelloworld20240612.py Hello World! dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py dave@pocket:~\$ python3 Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> x = 2 + 4 >>> y = 3 + 3 >>> z = 1 + 5 >>> x 6 >>> y 6 >>> z 6 >>> x = 2 + 4 - 100 >>> y = 3 + 3 >>> z = 1 + 5 + 4 >>> x -94 >>> y 6 >>> z 10 >>> quit() dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 dave@pocket:~\$
x = 2 + 4 - 100 y = 3 + 3 z = 1 + 5 + 4 print(x) print(y) print(z)
x = 2 + 4 - 100 y = 3 + 3 z = 1 + 5 + 4 print(x) print(y) print(z) type(x) type(y) type(z) r = 0.1 type(r) s = "Hallo Welt! " type(s) print(3*s)
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx dave@pocket:~\$
x = 2 + 4 - 100 y = 3 + 3 z = 1 + 5 + 4 print(x) print(y) print(z) type(x) type(y) type(z) r = 0.1 type(r) s = "Hallo Welt! " type(s) print(3*s) x = 1 while x < 10: print(x * "x") x = x + 1
x = 1 while x < 10: print(x * "x") x = x + 1
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >2 square 2.0 is 4.0 dave@pocket:~\$
x = 2 + 4 - 100 y = 3 + 3 z = 1 + 5 + 4 print(x) print(y) print(z) type(x) type(y) type(z) r = 0.1 type(r) s = "Hallo Welt! " type(s) print(3*s) x = 1 while x < 10: print(x * "x") x = x + 1 print(f"{4+199+2}") xs=input("Please put in a number >") x=float(xs) print(f"square {x} is {x**2}")
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >9 square 9.0 is 81.0 This is typically! dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >1 square 1.0 is 1.0 dave@pocket:~\$
xs=input("Please put in a number >") x=float(xs) print(f"square {x} is {x**2}") if (x >= 2) and (x <= 10): print("This is typically!")
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >2 square 2.0 is 4.0 This is typically! 5050 dave@pocket:~\$
x = 1 a = 0 while x <= 100: a = x + a x = x + 1 print(f"{a}")
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >2 square 2.0 is 4.0 This is typically! 5050 55
x=1 a=0 while x <= 5: a = a + (x ** 2) x = x + 1 print(f"{a}")
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >2 square 2.0 is 4.0 This is typically! 5050 55 1.0 dave@pocket:~\$
import math print(math.sin(math.pi/2))
dave@pocket:~\$ python3 pythonarithmetic20240612.py -94 6 10 Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! Hallo Welt! x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx 205 Please put in a number >2 square 2.0 is 4.0 This is typically! 5050 55 1.0 [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100] dave@pocket:~\$
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
numbers = [1,4] x = 3 while x <= 10: numbers.append(x**2) x = x + 1 print(numbers)
Ich muss jetzt aufhoeren, ich bin heute gestresst Morgen kommt mein IPhone 14. Den Server lasse ich und zwar mit Linux, ansonsten werde alle meine Programme mit dem IPhone nutzen. Und die Daten bei GMail speichern. Es gibt bei IPhone VHDL MySQL C LaTeX SSH Fuer Serveradministration Sicher auch Python