-- 0001 VHDL - Multiplexer, Halfadder, Fulladder, Paralleladder, Coder, Decoder -- without architecture and entity - this will be in 0002 - VHDL -- Multiplexer signal a: bit_vector (3 downto 0); signal b: bit_vector (3 downto 0); signal c: bit_vector (3 downto 0); process (cout) begin a <= ain; b <= bin; if (clk='0') then c <= a; elseif (clk='1') then c <= b; end if; cout <= c; end process; -- Adder signal a: bit; signal b: bit; signal c: bit; signal s: bit; process (cout, sout) begin a <= ain; b <= bin; c <= a xor b; s <= a and b; cout <= c; sout <= s; end process;